Recently, we experienced the biggest and brightest full moon of 2022 so far and it was known as the Pink Full Moon.
So, following that, I thought I would share 5 Simple but Powerful Full Moon Rituals and ways you can harness the potent energy of the moon at the time
1: Moon Water
Collect water in a container.
Think about what you would like to manifest and say your affirmations or prayer over the water.
Leave the water either outside or inside on a window ledge over night under the direct full moon light.
Use this water to water your plants, for a herbal footbath or return to the earth.

2: Goddess Baths
The nurturing energy of the full moon is a wonderful time to take some time for yourself and honour your inner goddess. If you have a bath tub I highly recommend making it a monthly ritual to really take your time, and create a sense of ambience (think about the lighting, maybe add some music, candles- whatever floats your boat.)
I love herbal baths- although the herbs and flowers in the water look so pretty, it can be a pain to clean up so I recommend making it into a tea infusion instead and pouring that in your bath (doesn't look great, but smells amazing!) Then you are still getting the benefits of the herbs without worrying about your drains.
I also recommend using Epsom salts or dead sea salt in your bath during the full moon as it helps with the 'release' energy.
If you don't have a tub or don't like baths you could opt for a herbal foot bath- I love to treat myself to these at the end of a long week!
3: Yoni Steam
If you are in my group then you've probably heard me talking about my love of Yoni Steaming. Not only is it a wonderful self care practice with so many benefits but it offers a cleansing energy which is perfect for the full moon which is about release.
I f you want to learn more about the benefits of Yoni Steaming or what it actually is you can watch my video here.
To buy Yoni steam organic herbs (which can also be used for the goddess bath or foot bath) you can contact me directly by hitting reply to this email or DM on messenger.
Yoni Bundle £15 for 2 packets including full ritual guidance and meditation MP3.
4: Charge your Crystals
If crystals are your thing, leaving them in the direct moonlight is said to enhance their healing properties.

5: Journal
The full moon calls us to consider what we want to release and let go of. Take some time to journal on 'What am I letting go of?' "What am I releasing that no longer serves me".
I have so many more full moon rituals I could share with you but I hope that gives you a few ideas and I'd love to hear if there are any rituals you already have- leave a comment below or share in the Facebook group.